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Monday, 9 April 2012

Team Wales : 6 nations Cup lists

So Here we are guys! Team Wales in its glory. What do you guys think?
TEAM : Wales
PLAYER 1: (Michael 'MJayC' Collins)
HQ1 :Rune Priest (100), Jaws of the world wolf (0) murderous hurricane (0) [100]
HQ2 :Rune Priest (100), Jaws of the world wolf (0) tempest wrath (0) melta bombs (5) [105]

Elite1 : Wolf guard x 6 (108) Power fist X 6 (120) Combi meltagun x 6 (30) [258]
Elite 2 : 5 wolf scouts (75) meltagun (10) melta bombs (25) [110]
Elite 3 : 5 Wolf scouts (75) meltagun (10) [85]

Troop 1 : Grey hunters x 7 (105) Meltagun (5) Wolf standard (10) [120] In transport 1
Troop 2 : Grey hunters x 7 (105) Meltagun (5) Wolf standard (10) [120] In transport 2
Troop 3 : Grey hunters x 7 (105) Meltagun (5) Wolf standard (10) [120] In transport 3
Troop 4 : Grey hunters x 6 (90) Meltagun (5) Wolf standard (10) [105] In transport 4
Troop 5 : Grey hunters x 5 (75) flamer (free) [75]

HS1: Long fangs x 5 (75) 4 x missile launchers (40) [115] in transport 5
HS2: Long fangs x 5 (75) 4 x missile launchers (40) [115] in transport 6
HS3: Long fangs x 5 (75) 4 x missile launchers (40) [115]

Transport1 : Rhino (35) dozer blade (5) [40] For troop 1
Transport2 : Rhino (35) dozer blade (5) [40] for troop 2
Transport3 : Rhino (35) dozer blade (5) [40] for troop 3
Transport4 : Rhino (35) [35] for troop 4
Transport5 : Razorback (40) lascannon, twin linked plasma gun(35) [75] for heavy 1
Transport6 : Razorback (40) lascannon, twin linked plasma gun(35) [75] for heavy 2

TOTAL [1848pts]
PLAYER 2: (Matthew 'Solvay' Robertson)

HQ1 : Mephiston (250) [250]

Elite1 : Sanguinary Priest (50), lightning claws(15), Combi-Melta(10), Brother Corbulo(105) [180]
Elite2 : Furioso-Dreadnought (125), Librarian (50) Wings of Sanguinius(0) + Fear of the Darkness (0) [175]
Elite 3 : Furioso-Dreadnought (125), Blood Fist(0), frag-cannon(0) meltagun (0)[125] in Transport 1

Troop 1 : 5xAssault Marines (100), Meltagun (10), Sgt equipped with Infernus pistol (15) Lightning Claw (15) [140] in Transport 2
Troop 2 : 5xAssault Marines (100), Meltagun (10), Sgt equipped with Infernus pistol (15)Lightning Claw(15) [140] in Transport 3
Troop 3 : 5xAssault Marines (100), Meltagun (10), Sgt equipped with Infernus pistol (15)Lightning Claw(15) [140] in Transport4
Troop 4 : 5xAssault Marines(100), Meltagun (10), Sgt equipped with Lightning Claw(15) [125] in Transport5
Troop 5 : 5xScout Squad, 5xBolt Pistol & Close Combat Weapon [75]

FA1: Attack Bike(40) Multi Melta(10) [50]
FA2: Attack Bike(40) Multi Melta(10) [50]

HS1: Predator(70), Lascannon Sponsons (65)[135]
HS2: Predator(70), Lascannon Sponsons (65)[135]

Transport1 : Transport 1: Drop-Pod [35]
Transport2 : Razorback, Heavy Flamer(0) Dozer Blade (5)[25]
Transport3 : Razorback, Heavy Flamer(0 Dozer Blade (5) [25]
Transport4 : Razorback, Heavy Flamer(0) [20]
Transport5 : Razorback, Heavy Flamer(0) Dozer Blade (5)[25]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER 3: (Richard 'Tricky Dicky Rickrolla' Morgan)

HQ 1: Ghazghull Thrakka (225) Cyborg body (0) Bosspole (0) Mega-armour (0) Stikkbombs (0) Big Shoota (0) Adamantium Skull (0) [225]
HQ 2: Warboss (60) Cyborg Body (10) Heavy Armour (5) Power Klaw (25) [100]

ELITES 1: 4 Kommandos (40) & Boss Snickrot (85) Slugga (0) Choppa (0) Stikkbombz (0) [125]

TROOPS 1: 25 slugga boys (150) Nob upgrade (10) Power Klaw (25) Bosspole (5) 2 Big Shootas (10) Slugga (0) Choppa (0) [200]
TROOPS 2: 25 slugga boys (150) Nob upgrade (10) Power Klaw (25) Bosspole (5) 2 Rokkit Launcha's (20) Slugga (0) Choppa (0) [210]
TROOPS 3: 25 slugga boys (150) Nob upgrade (10) Power Klaw (25) Bosspole (5) 2 Rokkit Launcha's (20) Slugga (0) Choppa (0) [210]
TROOPS 4: 30 shoota boys (180) Nob upgrade (10) Power Klaw (25) Bosspole (5) 3 Rokkit launcha's (30) Shootas (0) [250]
TROOPS 5: 30 shoota boys (180) Nob upgrade (10) Power Klaw (25) Bosspole (5) 3 Rokkit launcha's (30) Shootas (0) [250]
TROOPS 6: 10 Gretchin (30) Blastas (0) Runtherd (10) Grabba Stikk (0) Slugga (0) Squig Hound (0) [40]

HEAVY SUPPORT 1: Big Gunz battery (60) 3 kannons (0) 3 Ammo Runts (6) Runtherd (10) [79]
HEAVY SUPPORT 2: Big Gunz battery (60) 3 kannons (0) 3 Ammo Runts (6) Runtherd (10) [79]
HEAVY SUPPORT 3: Big Gunz battery (60) 3 kannons (0) 3 Ammo Runts (6) Runtherd (10) [79]

TOTAL [1847]
PLAYER 4: (Harry 'Loud Hairy Alien' Allen)
HQ: Company Command Squad (50) + 3 Meltaguns (30) Regimental standard (15) + Laspistol (0) [95] in Transport 1
HQ: Company Command Squad (50) + 3 Plasma Guns (45) Regimental standard (15) + Laspistol (0) [110] in Transport 2

Elite 1: 6 Battle Psykers + Overseer (80) [80]
Troop 1: Platoon Command Squad (30) + 4 Meltaguns (40) [70]
Infantry Squad (50) + Lascannon (20) [70]
Infantry Squad (50) + Lascannon (20) [70]
Heavy Weapon Team (60) + 3 autocannons (15) [75]
Heavy Weapon Team (60) + 3 autocannons (15) [75]

Troop2: Veteran Squad (70) + 3 Melta guns (30) [100] in Transport 3

FA1: Vendetta Gunship (130) [130]
FA2: Vendetta Gunship (130) [130]
FA3: Vendetta Gunship (130) [130]

HS1: Manticore (160) + heavy flamer (0) [160]
HS2: Manticore (160) + heavy flamer (0) [160]
HS3: Leman Russ Executioner (190) + plasma sponsons (40) + hull heavy bolter (0) [230]

Transport 1: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer (0) [55] for HQ1
Transport 2: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer (0) [55] for HQ2
Transport 3: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer (0) [55] for Troop 2

TOTAL [1850]
PLAYER 5: (Stuart 'CultofNow - aka the GT champion' Robertson)

HQ1 : ShadowSun (175) [175]

ELITE1: Crisis Squad 1, Total cost = [200]
XV8-1 (25), Shas'vre(10), Twin-Linked Missile Pods(18), Airburster(20), Hard-wired MultiTracker(5), Hard-wired Black Sun Filter(3), Hard-wired Target Lock(5), Drone Controller(0), 2 Gun Drones(20) [106]
XV8-2 (25), Twin-Linked Missile Pods(18), Flamer(4) [47]
XV8-3 (25), Twin-Linked Missile Pods(18), Flamer(4) [47]

ELITE2: Crisis Squad 2, Total Cost = [181]
XV8-1 (25), Shas'vre(10), Twin-Linked Missile Pods(18), Positional Relay(15), Hard-wired Black Sun Filter(3) [71]
XV8-2 (25), Twin-Linked Missile Pods(18), Flamer(4) [47]
XV8-3 (25), Twin-Linked Missile Pods(18), Drone Controller(0), 2 Gun Drones(20) [63]

TROOP1: 6 Firewarriors(60), Burst Rifles(0) [60]
TROOP2: 6 Firewarriors(60), Burst Rifles(0) [60]
TROOP3; 10 Kroot(70), Kroot Rifles(0) [70]
TROOP4: 10 Kroot(70), Kroot Rifles(0) [70]
TROOP5: 10 Kroot(70), Kroot Rifles(0) [70]
TROOP6: 10 Kroot(70), Kroot Rifles(0) [70]

HEAVY1: Broadside team 1 Total cost = [298]
XV88-1 (70), Leader(5), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Twin Plasma rifles(10), Hard-wired Multitracker(5), Hard-wired Target Lock(5), Hard-wired Drone Controller(0), Black Sun Filter(3), 2 Shield Drones(30) [138]
XV88-2 (70), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Smart Missile System(0) [80]
XV88-3 (70), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Smart Missile System(0) [80]

HEAVY2: Broadside team 2 Total cost = [298]
XV88-1 (70), Leader(5), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Twin Plasma rifles(10), Hard-wired Multitracker(5), Hard-wired Target Lock(5), Hard-wired Drone Controller(0), Black Sun Filter(3), 2 Shield Drones(30) [138]
XV88-2 (70), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Smart Missile System(0) [80]
XV88-3 (70), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Smart Missile System(0) [80]

HEAVY3: Broadside team 3 Total cost = [298]
XV88-1 (70), Leader(5), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Twin Plasma rifles(10), Hard-wired Multitracker(5), Hard-wired Target Lock(5), Hard-wired Drone Controller(0), Black Sun Filter(3), 2 Shield Drones(30) [138]
XV88-2 (70), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Smart Missile System(0) [80]
XV88-3 (70), Advanced Stabilisation System(10), Twin Railgun(0), Smart Missile System(0) [80]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER 6: Andrew 'Andy10k' Oakham)
HQ1: Necron Lord (90) Warscythe (10) Sempiternal Weave (15) Mindschakle Scarabs (15) [Transport 1] [130]
HQ2: Necron Lord (90) Warscythe (10) Sempiternal Weave (15) Mindschakle Scarabs (15) [Transport 2] [130]

HQ1a: 4 Crypteks (100) 4 Harbringer of Destruction (40) Solar Pulse (20) [160]
HQ2a: 4 Crypteks (100) 4 Harbringer of Destruction (40) Solar Pulse (20) [160]

TROOP1: 5 Necron Warriors (65) [65]
TROOP2: 5 Necron Warriors (65) [65]
TROOP3: 5 Necron Warriors (65) [65]
TROOP4: 5 Necron Warriors (65) [65]

FAST ATTACK1: 5 Canoptek Wraiths (175) 1 Whip Coil (10) 1 Particle Caster (5) [190]
FAST ATTACK2: 5 Canoptek Wraiths (175) 2 Whip Coils (20) [195]
FAST ATTACK3: 5 Canoptek Wraiths (175) 2 Whip Coils (20) [195]

HEAVY SUPPORT1: Annihilation Barge (90) Tesla Cannon [90]
HEAVY SUPPORT2: Annihilation Barge (90) Tesla Cannon [90]
HEAVY SUPPORT3: Annihilation Barge (90) Tesla Cannon [90]

TRANSPORT1: Command Barge (80) Gauss Cannon (0) [80] for HQ 1
TRANSPORT2: Command Barge (80) Gauss Cannon (0) [80] for HQ 2

TOTAL [1850]
PLAYER 7: (Gary 'Ilkhan' Morgan)

HQ 1 : Inquisitor Coteaz (100) [100]
HQ 2 : Grand master (175), Nemises force sword (0) incinerator (5) Digital weapons (5) Master crafted close combat weapon (5) Rad grenades (15) 2 x servo skulls (10) [215]

Elite 1 : Venerable Dreadnought (175) twin linked auto cannon (10) twin linked auto cannon (5) Psybolt ammo (5) [195]
Elite 2 : 10 purifiers (240) knight of the flame (0) 2 x nemesis demon hammers (10), 4 x psycannons (40) 2 x nemesis force halberds (4) [294] in transport 1
Elite 3 : 10 purifiers (240) knight of the flame (0) 2 x nemesis demon hammers (10), 4 x psycannons (40) 2 x nemesis force halberds (4) [294] in transport 2

Troop 1 : Inquisitional Henchman squad 3 x acolyte (12) [12] in transport 3
Troop 2 : Inquisitional Henchman squad 3 x acolyte (12) [12] in transport 4
Troop 3 : Inquisitional Henchman squad 3 x acolyte (12) [12] in transport 5
Troop 4 : Inquisitional Henchman squad 3 x acolyte (12) [12]
Troop 5 : Inquisitional Henchman squad 3 x acolyte (12) [12]
Troop 6 : Inquisitional Henchman squad 3 x acolyte (12) [12]

HS 1: Dreadnaught (115) twin linked auto cannon (10) twin linked auto cannon (5) Psybolt ammo (5) [135]
HS 2: Dreadnaught (115) twin linked auto cannon (10) twin linked auto cannon (5) Psybolt ammo (5) [135]
HS 3: Dreadnaught (115) twin linked auto cannon (10) twin linked auto cannon (5) Psybolt ammo (5) [135]

Transport 1: Razorback with twin linked heavy bolters (45) psybolt ammo (5) search light (1) [51] for Elite 2
Transport 2: Razorback with twin linked heavy bolters (45) psybolt ammo (5) search light (1) [51] for Elite 3
Transport 3 : Inquisitional chimera (55) replace heavy bolter with heavy flamer (free) Search light (1) Dozer blade (5) [61] for troop 1
Transport 4 : Inquisitional chimera (55) replace heavy bolter with heavy flamer (free) Search light (1) Dozer blade (5) [61] for troop 2
Transport 5 : Razorback with twin linked heavy bolters (45) psybolt ammo (5) search light (1) [51] for troop 3

TOTAL [1850]
PLAYER 8: (James 'Chuckie' Ramsey)

HQ1 : Baron Sathonyx [105]
HQ2a : Haemonculus [50]
HQ2b : Haemonculus [50]

Elite1 : 3 Trueborn (36), 3 blasters (45) [81] In transport 1
Elite2 : 3 Trueborn (36), 3 blasters (45) [81] In transport 2
Elite 3: 3 Trueborn (36), 3 blasters (45) [81] In transport 3

Troop 1 : 19 Hellions (304), Helliarch (10) [314]
Troop 2 : 19 Hellions (304), Helliarch (10), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (20) [334]
Troop 3 : 3 Wracks [30] In transport 4
Troop 4 : 3 Wracks [30]
Troop 5 : 3 Wracks [30]

HS1: Ravager, 3 dark lances (0), flickerfields (10) [115]
HS2: Ravager, 3 dark lances (0), flickerfields (10) [115]
HS3: Razorwing Jetfighter, 2 dark lances (0), flickerfields (10) [155]

Transport 1 : Venom (55), Extra Splinter Cannon (10), Grisly Trophies (5) [70] Transporting Elite 1
Transport 2 : Venom (55), Extra Splinter Cannon (10), Grisly Trophies (5) [70] Transporting Elite 2
Transport 3 : Venom (55), Extra Splinter Cannon (10), [65] Transporting Elite 3
Transport 4 : Venom (55), Extra Splinter Cannon (10), Grisly Trophies (5) [70] Transporting Troop 3

TOTAL [1846]

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Final Game UKGT

Hey guys. Sorry its been a while and now its going to brief!

Game 6
Tau - Chris Green

First time I have played Chris (another Team England player) He is a really nice guy to play. He had me giggling on quite a few occasions at either his or my inability to do things properly (like kill stuff)

He had an etheral, 2 squads of big S10 suits. 3 x 3 squads of plasma/autocannon suits, kroot, pathfinders and a fish.

He takes first turn and I deploy 2 rhinos behind cover (just out of sight of the path finders thankfully!) he fails to kill them and I get to move everything on at a full rate! Everything goes 12! fangs get out and run. they have some nice angles! Rhino's head towards a big slab of los blocker. I pop smoke! He fails to kill me lots! He does nail one squad pretty hard but its still alive. My next turn the scouts dont turn up but I do try some cheeky jaws! Sadly im 1 inch out of range for the etherel. But a big suit guy falls down the hole. I kill a few drones. Next turn I need to kill that Etherel and my scouts need to come on.

Low and behold I kill the Etherel! sadly only 1 unit flees lol. Luckily the scouts come on chew kroot lines and kill other suits. The squads get into position and its just clean up time. He cant kill my rhinos and I cant chase him all game. I win and the game ends on turn 6. Chris took it like a champ. it would have been all over if he actually stopped my midfield push but if SW get there then its all over for the poor Tau. Also the Tempest wrath worked really well! Love it vs jumpers!

Game ended 18 - 2

So this got me my fourth place (which should have been 3rd place as I had the same amount of points as Tim Smith with a better VP difference but somehow I dropped points on the way even tho all my game scores were worked out by me to be these. I know the format and I can count. I suggest some data entry issues but what you gonna do! Its not like Im gonna get the trophy sent to me! lol Just would have topped off a great week end! I won best wolf player again! this is becoming a habit!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Day 2 - Game 5 40KUKGT

 Sorry about the lapse (he says... this is still some kind of record! Blogging for the win!) 

Day 2
Game 5
Paul Burke - Blood Angels

This is the first time I have played Paul - a regular tournament winner and ETC player. The thing about Paul is that he has lots of success with lots of different armies. He can play with almost anything and do the business. To top it all off he is a great guy to play against. A true Gent. But the bastards bringing blood Angels! I hate BA. Well no, I hate mephiston. As all wolf players will attest he is a total fuck nugget. He can just walk straight thru your army. Along with Meph, Paul brought 5 flamer razorbacks, 5 squads of AM with claws/melta/infernus pistols. 2 flamer baals, 2 libby dreads with wings and shield roughly. So a fast close combat army that does its thing up close and personal. Much like my own force! (if you ignore the long fangs. please god ignore the long fangs!)

Mission was dawn of war and 5 objectives. Paul wins the set up and goes first. Great - he will be all over me by the time I get in postion. The table has 2 10 x 6 inch impasable los blockers in the middle of board about 18 inches in from each half. The rest is a few ruins. A good board for cover. 

Paul deploys meph behind one of the los blockers and turbos everything else on (the flamer baals go in reserve. I dont know why! They would have been much better in the thick of it with the rhinos. I deploy centrally and move up. Pauls next turn he keeps going forwards into the middle. Next turn everything is in my lines as I cant dispel a single wings :P

I move forward with everything and pop the guys out and try to deal with all these vehicles and dreads! I manage to knock of lots of weapons and kill a dread + 3 RB with my shooting. One squad gets to attack a squad that bailed from a RB and kill it. 
Turn3 sees meph and all the other squads combi charge my midfield push (including dread) It was always gonna happen. his baals come in - swiftly followed by my scouts which kill one. The big clusterfuck combat grinds on with him all over me. by my next turn Im still in it but 2 of my GH packs are desimated. Unfortunuately my priest dies to fearless wounds (all one of them) which free's paul up for his next turn. Could have done with holding them and then hitting everything else. Meanwhile my other squad kills a small unit and another RB. He only has 1 left at that time and its camping an objective + wont die. I try a cheeky jaws using lots of shenanigans to get into a rhino, back up. target a track on his RB and place the line into the close combat - would have been about 11 guys + meph but it doesnt work as he nulls it. 

I Secomb and he moves after my last big pack. He kills a few with shots which means I could get out of charge range! Then I had 1 more wound to allocate (a dead one - no cover) so it was either a pleb or the fist. I chose fist hoping that my untouched rockets could kill the dread if he doesnt roll a 5+ to get into the next nearest guy. But he does and I cant hurt it. Darn. Would have won me an objective at the least so I dont think its a bad call. AV13 with a fist isnt that good odds anyways. I throw everything I have near at hand to kill meph! The scouts come on and hit him and get him down to 3 wounds. Sadly he kills my RB with a meltagun and can wade in with the other squad a meph to stop my fist having a chance at the big guy. Thank god I have 2 little scoring units! Time is getting on and we both have 1 last turn to claim objectives. pauls last remaining 2 squads of about 2 each just miss out of claiming one of the objectives. My two squads are within range of 3 and seeing as I had last turn I could comfortably claim them and win myself the game! (Game ended!) A very close game. I had to bog him down and hope for the early finish. Which I managed. if I had another turn he would have lost all his troops, meph and the dread leaving him with his flamer baal and some mm attack bikes. Going second always pays off in Multi objectives! The VP's are about 100 points in his favour so its a great result vs the GT Champion Paul Burke - onto the next game! Its gonna be another good player you can guarentee that - shit!

15 - 5